Country Roads® Premium Spirits
The state of mind that brings us back to that peaceful path of life where a kind handshake and a warm hug intersects with the neighborly invitation to stop and share a moment that might just become a fond memory, an on-going ritual or perhaps just a chance to enjoy the beauty and grandness of life’s simplicity!
Available Now
Country Roads® Four Lane Four Grain Blended Wheated Bourbon
Country Roads® The higher Road 8-year Single Barrel Bourbon
When our good-natured character triumphs over any short-term frustration with others, we truly begin to experience the finer things in life - kindness, decency, and our general human obligation to help and care for one another. We call that "The Higher Road" - that special quality that can lift others up by simply not tearing them down. As a salute to you, we are proud to offer a rare bourbon that matches the standards you set for yourself with others.
Available for Distribution Now
Country Roads® Spring Water Spirits
Available for Distribution Now
Available Soon
Country Roads® Bourbon and Cola
Country Roads® Bourbon & Rum Cakes
Coming in 2025
Fall 2025
Expressions Available: Golden Lager and Amber Ale
Back Roads Moonshine
Summer 2025
Country Roads Premium Cocktails
Summer 2025